Lacey Stevens
my Story

As a seasoned expert in event management, I excel in crafting intimate celebrations that prioritize individualization and foster meaningful connections.

With experience performing journey mapping for a wedding venue and a university relations office, I have successfully elevated experiences for guests and employees alike through detail-oriented planning and execution.

I have been fortunate to learn from an exceptional business owner who instilled confidence in my natural abilities, encouraging me to build upon my strengths rather than conforming to the expectations of others.

Passionate about event management, I am seeking opportunities to create intimate and destination celebrations that bring people together and highlight the unique essence of each person/occasion.

my Unique Value Proposition

I mean, how many 18-month-old toddlers do you know that choose to sit in a pile of leaves for 45+ minutes and admire the detail of each leaf one by one, delicately placing them to the side after each has been carefully considered?

My ability to focus, observe detail, and admire beauty will continue to astound you in the beautiful weddings I design by carefully considering every detail.

Download my resume here